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Visit of U.K. Delegates - Global School Partnership Programme - 2012 |
U.K. delegates, Sh. Dinesh Gupta, Manager, Ramjas Sr. Sec. School No. 2, Anand Parvat, New Delhi, Sh. J. C. Pahuja, Education Coordinator, Ramjas Foundation and Principals of different Ramjas Schools during an interactive session in Ramjas Primary School, Anand Parvat, New Delhi during the visit of U.K. delegates to cluster of Ramjas Schools under the Global School Partnership Programme (GSPP). |
Students of Ramjas Sr. Sec. School No. 5, Karol Bagh, New Delhi demonstrating activity based learning to the U.K. delegates during their visit to different Ramjas Schools under the Global School Partnership Programme (GSPP). |
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Students of Ramjas Primary School No. 4, Paharganj, New Delhi, presenting Yoga Excercise before U.K. delegates during their visit to different Ramjas Schools under the Global School Partnership Programme (GSPP). |
Students of Ramjas Primary School, Anand Parvat, New Delhi, demonstrating Martial Arts for self-defence before the U.K. delegates on the inspiring and memorable occasion of visit of U.K. delegates to different Ramjas Schools under the Global School Partnership Programme (GSPP). |
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Colourfully clad students of Ramjas Girls Sr. Sec. School, Daryaganj, New Delhi presenting captivating dance sequence before the U.K. delegates during their visit to cluster of Ramjas Schools under the Global School Partnership Programme (GSPP). |
Small students of amjas Primary School, Anand Parvat, New delhi presenting fascinating dance sequence before the U.K. delegates during their visit to different Ramjas Schools under the Global School Partnership Programme (GSPP). |
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Tity Tots of V.D.U.C. Ramjas Nursery Primary School, Ballimaran, Delhi giving enthralling performance of beautiful dance sequence before the U.K. delegates during their visit to different Ramjas Schools under the Global School Partnership Programme (GSPP). |
Colourfully clad students of Ramjas Sr. Sec. School No. 2, Anand Parvat, New Delhi enacting a play "Dharte Kahe Pukar Ke" before the U.K. delegates and other distinguished guests during their visit to different Ramjas Schools under the Global School Partnership Programme (GSPP). |
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Mehandi Competition in R.K.L.M. Girls Sr. Sec. School, Karol Bagh, New Delhi during the visit of U.K. delegates under the Global School Partnership Programme (GSPP). |
U.K. delegates, Sh. J.C. Pahuja, Education Coordinator, Ramjas Foundation & Mrs. Sneh Mehta, Convenor, GSPP during an interactive session in Ramjas Primary School, Panchkuiyan Road, New Delhi during the visit of U.K. delegates to the cluster of Ramjas Schools under the Global School Partnership Programme (GSPP). |
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U.K. delegates, Sh. J.C. Pahuja, Education Coordinator, Ramjas Foundation, Mrs. Sneh Mehta, Convenor, GSPP, Head of School (HOS) and Teachers of Ramjas Primary School, Panchkuiyan Road, New Delhi during the visit of U.K. delegates to the cluster of Ramjas Schools under the Global School Partnership Programme (GSPP). |
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![Annual Day 2011 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2011/1_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2011 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2011/2_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2011 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2011/3_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2011 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2011/4_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2011 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2011/5_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2011 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2011/6_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2011 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2011/7_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2011 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2011/8_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2011 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2011/9_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2011 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2011/10_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2011 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2011/11_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2011 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2011/12_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2011 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2011/13_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2011 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2011/14_s.jpg) |
Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra, Hony. Secretary, M.C., Ramjas Foundation, Sh. Ravi Kumar Gupta, Hony. Secretary, Ramjas Foundation and Sh. Anil Kumar Aggarwal, Chairman. R.S.M.I. escorting our honourable Chief Guest Sh. Ajay Maken, Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs, Govt. of India on the delightful occasion of Annual Day Celebration. |
Sh. Ram Kanwar Gupta, Chairman, M.C., Ramjas Foundation cheers gleefully as Sh. Ravi Kumar Gupta, Hony. Secretary, Ramjas Foundation welcomes our honourable Chief Guest Sh. Ajay Maken, Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs, Govt. of India on the ecstatic occasion of Annual Day Celebration. |
Sh. Ram Kanwar Gupta, Chairman, M.C., Ramjas Foundation and Sh. Ravi Kumar Gupta, Hony. Secretary, Ramjas Foundation watching the proceeding engrossingly along with our honourable Chief Guest Sh. Ajay Maken, Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs, Govt. of India on the delightful and hilarious occasion of Annual Day Celebration. |
Honourable Chief Guest Sh. Ajay Maken, Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs, Govt. of India releasing the coveted souvenir of Ramjas Foundation on the blissful occasion of Annual Day Celebration. |
"Some engrossing, absorbing and healthy tete-a-tete" Our esteemed Chief Guest Sh. Ajay Maken, Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs, Govt. of India engaged in verbal exchanges to share his feelings with Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra and other dignitaries of Ramjas Foundation on the delightful occasion of Annual Day Celebration. |
Colourfully clad children presenting a melodious song which caused mesmerizing spell on the memorable occasion of Annual Day Celebration. |
Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra, Hony. Secretary, M.C., Ramjas Foundation giving away the prize to the prize winner and other distinguished guests watching the proceeding gleefully on the delightful occasion of Annual Day & Prize Distribution Function of Ramjas Sr. Sec. School No. 2, Anand Parvat, New Delhi - 110005. |
Sh. Ravi Kumar Gupta, Chairman, M.C., Ramjas School, R.K. Puram, New Delhi is being honoured on the delightful and hilarious occasion of Annual Day of the school. |
Mrs. Mohini Bindra, Principal, Ramjas School, Pusa Road receiving the Award from Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra, Hony. Secretary, M.C., Ramjas Foundation on the delightful, colourful and ecstatic occasion of Annual Function of the School. |
Colourfully clad girls presenting fascinating and mesmerizing dance sequence of Indian Classical Dance to enthral the spectators on the delightful and memorable occasion of Annual Day Celebration of Ramjas School, R. K. Puram, New Delhi. |
Students of Ramjas School, Pusa Road, New Delhi presenting beautiful and captivating modern dance to xast a mesmerizing spell on the spectators on the hilarious and memorable occasion of Annual Function of the School. |
Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra, Hony. Secretary, M.C., Ramjas Foundation, Sh. Atul Gupta, Chairman, Sh. Harsh Gupta, Manager, Mrs. Sarika Arora, Principal of Ramjas Public School (Day-Boarding) and other distinguished guests watching the proceedings gleefully on the ecstatic and delightful occasion of the Sports Day & Prize Distribution function of the school. |
Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra, Hony. Secretary, M.C., Ramjas Foundation, Sh. Raj Nath Gupta, Chairman, Sh. Kailash Nath Bansal, Manager, Mrs. Sneh Mehta, Principal of Ramjas Primary School, Daryaganj & other distinguished guests watching the proceedings engrossingly along with the esteemed Chief-Guest Dr. Alok Mehta, Chief Editor, Nai Duniya & Padamshree awardee on the memorable occasion of Silver Jublee Function of the School. |
Diwali Celebrations - 2011 |
Sh. Ram Kanwar Gupta, Chairman and Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra, Hony. Secretary of Managing Committee, Ramjas Foundation, Mrs. Kusum Jain, Principal and Teachers of R.K.L.M. Girls Sr. Sec. School, Karol Bagh, New Delhi on the colourful, ecsatatic and delightful occasion of Diwali Mela. |
Visitors and Teachers watching the exhibits gleefully on the colourful, ecstatic and delightful occasion of Diwali Mela organized at Ramjas Girls Sr. Sec. School, Daryaganj, New Delhi. |
Van Mahotsav Celebrations - 2011 |
Dr. Sandeep Gupta, Principal, Teachers and students engaged in planting a sapling in the premises of Ramjas Sr. Sec. School No. 5, Karol Bagh, New Delhi on the occasion of of Van-Mahotsav Celebration to highlight the importance of ecological balance of nature. |
Sh. Atam Prakash Aggarwal, Manager, Sh. Anil Kumar Gautam, Principal, Sh. Rajvir Singh, Vice Principal and Teachers planting a sapling in the premises of Ramjas Sr. Sec. School No. 1, Daryaganj, New Delhi on the occasion of of Van-Mahotsav Celebration to highlight the significance of Green Movement to protect the Environment. |
Independence Day Celebrations - 2011 |
Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra, Hony. Secretary, M.C., Ramjas Foundation, Sh. Dinesh Gupta, Manager and Sh. Hemant Kumar Kokcha, H.O.S. of Ramjas Sr. Sec. School No. 2, Anand Parva, New Delhi hoisting Indian Tri-colour on the patriotic and demanding occasion of Independence Day Celebration in the school to relive the memories of martyrdom of our great warriors who laid down their lives selflessly so that we may breath in free air today. |
Honourable Chief-Guest Mrs. Sumitra Mahajan, M.P. unfurling the Indian Tri-colour on the patriotic occasion of Independence Day Celebration of Ramjas Primary School, Daryaganj, New Delhi. |
Tiny Tots engaged in their craft-work to make kites to symbolize soaring spirit on the patriotic occasion of Independence Day Celebration in V.D.U.C., Ramjas Nursery Primary School, Ballimaran, New Delhi. |
Sh. Ram Suresh Sharma, Vice-Principal, Teachers and students of Ramjas Sr. Sec. School No. 6, Bazar Sitaram, Delhi on the patriotic and demanding occasion of Independence Day Celebration in the school. |
"Long Live India And The Spirit Of Patriotism". Students of Ramjas School, Pusa Road, New Delhi presenting fascinating dance sequence on the memorable occasion of Independence Day Celebration of the school. |
"Firm Determination To Serve The Nation In The Time To Come". Students of V.D.U.C. Ramjas Nursery Primary School, Ballimaran, Delhi singing a patriotic song on the inspiring and demanding occasion of Independence Day Celebration of the school. |
![Annual Day 2010 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2010/1_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2010 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2010/2_s.jpg) |
Sh. Ram Kanwar Gupta, Chairman, Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra, Hony. Secretary, M.C., Ramjas Foundation welcoming and escorting the Honourable Chief Guest Sh. Y.K. Sabharwal, Former Chief Justice of India on the delightful occasion of the Annual Day Celebration (2009-2010). A glimpse of Sh. Ravi Kumar Gupta, Sh. Raj Kumar Gupta and Sh. J.. Pahuja is also visible in the back-drop. |
Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra, Hony. Secretary, M.C., Ramjas Foundation introducing the Principal's of different Ramjas Schools to the Honourable Chief Guest Sh. Y.K. Sabharwal, Former Chief Justice of India on the delightful occasion of the Annual Day Celebration. |
![Annual Day 2010 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2010/3_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2010 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2010/4_s.jpg) |
Sh. Y.K. Sabharwal, our esteemed Chief Guest along with Sh. Ram Kanwar Gupta, Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra and Sh. Ravi Kumar Gupta applauding and acknowledging the tremendous achievement of Mrs. Mohini Bindra, Principal, Ramjas School, Pusa Road who brought National Glory and the great Laurel to the Ramjas Foundation as she was conferred upon the National Award for Best Teacher by the Honourable President Smt. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil. |
Honourable Chief Guest Sh. Y.K. Sabharwal, Former Chief Justice of India lighting the lamps to spread the light of delight to mark the commencement of the Annual Day Celeberation. Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra, Hony. Secretary, M.C., Ramjas Foundation and others engrossingly watching the proceedings. |
![Annual Day 2010 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2010/5_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2010 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2010/6_s.jpg) |
Sh. Ram Kanwar Gupta, Chairman, Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra, Hony. Secretary, M.C., Ramjas Foundation & Sh. Ravi Kumar Gupta cheer gleefully as our Honourable Chief Guest Sh. Y.K. Sabharwal releases the coveted souvenir of the Ramjas Foundation on the ecstatic occasion of the Annual Day Celebration. |
Sh. Ram Kanwar Gupta, Chairman, M.C., Ramjas Foundation presenting a shawl to extend warmth of love and bestow the badge of honour to our esteemed Chief Guest Sh. Y.K. Sabharwal, Former Chief Justice of India on the delightful occasion of the Annual Day Celebration. A glimpse of Mr. J.C. Pahuja, Education Co-ordinator, Ramjas Foundation is also visible in the corner. |
![Annual Day 2010 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2010/7_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2010 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2010/8_s.jpg) |
Honourable Chief Guest Sh. Y.K. Sabharwal, Former Chief Justice acknowledging the greetings from the Trustees and dignitaries of the Ramjas Foundation on the occasion of the Annual Day Celebration. |
"Some engrossing, absorbing and healthy tete-a-tete." Our esteemed Chief Guest Sh. Y.K. Sabharwal, Former Chief Justice of India and the dignitaries of Ramjas Foundation engaged in the verbal exchanges to share their feelings on the hilarious occasion of the Annual Day Celebration. |
![Annual Day 2010 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2010/9_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2010 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2010/10_s.jpg) |
Sh. Y.K. Sabharwal, Former Chief Justice of India presenting a fascinating Memmento on behalf of the Ramjas Foundation to one of our proud alumni. |
Sh. Y.K. Sabharwal, Former Chief Justice of India presenting an attractive Memmento on behalf of the Ramjas Foundation to Mr. B.K. Rao, Chairman, Board of Management, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and our esteemed and proud alumnus to herish these unforgettable moments in the time to come. |
![Annual Day 2009 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2009/1_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2009 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2009/2_s.jpg) |
Sh. Ram Kanwar Gupta, Chairman, M.C., Ramjas Foundation welcoming the honourable Chief Guest Prof. Sh. Deepak Pental, Vice-Chancellor, Delhi University on the occasion of Annual Day Celebration (2008-2009). A glimpse of Sh. L.K. Rai is also visible in the back-drop. |
Sh. Hauri Shanker Moondhra, Hony. Secretary, Ramjas Foundation bestowing the Badge of Honour to the Chief Guest Prof. Deepak Pental, Vice-Chancellor, Delhi University to greet him on the occasion of Annual Day Celebration. |
![Annual Day 2009 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2009/3_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2009 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2009/4_s.jpg) |
Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra, Hony. Secretary M.C., Ramjas Foundation introducing the Principals of different Schools to the Honourable Chief Guest Prof. Deepak Pental, Vice-Chancellor, Delhi University on the occasion of Annual Day Celebration. |
Prof. Deepak Pental, Vice-Chancellor, Delhi University, keenly watching the tableaus and exhibits depicting the host of activities conducted by Ramjas Sports & Mountaineering Institute, Patel Nagar. |
![Annual Day 2009 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2009/5_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2009 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2009/6_s.jpg) |
Honourable Chief Guest Prof. Deepak Pental, Vice-Chancellor, Delhi University, lighting the lamps to spread the light of delight to mark the commencement of Annual Day Celebration. Mrs. Rita Goel, Principal, Ramjas Girls School, Darya Ganj, New Delhi & Mrs. Kajal Gupta imparting the helping hands to the esteemed Chief Guest. |
Sh. Ram Kanwar Gupta, Chairman, M.C., Ramjas Foundation, Sh. Gauri Shanker Moondhra, Hony. Secretary M.C., Ramjas Foundation cheer gleefully as our Honourable Chief Guest Prof. Sh. Deepak Pental releases the coveted souvenir of Ramjas Foundation on the occasion of Annual Day Celebration. |
![Annual Day 2009 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2009/7_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2009 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2009/8_s.jpg) |
"Some engrossing, absorbing and healthy tete-a-tete." Our esteemed Chief Guest Prof. Deepak Pental, Vice-Chancellor, Delhi University and Sh. Ram Kanwar Gupta, Chairman, M.C., Ramjas Foundation engaged in the verbal exchanges to share their feelings on the occasion of Annual Day Celebration. |
Sh. Deepak Pental, Vice-Chancellor, Delhi University presented a fascinating Memento on behalf of Ramjas Foundation to the honourable Sh. Purushotam Goyal, Ex. Speaker, Delhi Assembly and our proud alumnus. |
![Annual Day 2009 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2009/9_s.jpg) |
![Annual Day 2009 [Ramjas Foundation : www.ramjasfoundation.com]](images/celebrations/2009/10_s.jpg) |
Sh. Deepak Pental, Vice-Chancellor, Delhi University presented an attractive Memento on behalf of Ramjas Foundation to our esteemed and proud alumnus to cherish these unforgettable moments in the time to come. |
Children of Ramjas School, Anand Parvat reciting "Saraswati Vandana" to herald the Cultural Bonanza on the occasion of Annual Day Celebration (2008-2009). |